About Us

Our Miss​ion

Empowering businesses through seamless and proactive IT solutions, our mission is to be the trusted managed service provider that optimizes technology infrastructure, enhances operational efficiency, and ensures unparalleled support, allowing our clients to focus on their core objectives with confidence.

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Our Story

Totally Networked was originally formed to provide start-up technology companies with infrastructure IT support solutions during the Silicon Valleys technology boom of the early 1990’s.

The original ideology was that these start-ups needed turn key IT and telecommunication solutions. Outsourcing helped them so the company could focus on their product development. The benefit of the not having to worry about the management of IT equipment purchases, support for users as well as growth of network needs proved to be of great value. The support that we have provided to these companies and still do usually starts from the founding stages of the company to the point where the companies are able to build an internal staff of which we usually continue to augment.

We continue to take on technology start-ups to this day. Our successful, proven and verifiable track record proves that we are an entity that companies can rely on to grow with them and be able to successfully support organizations that have usually drastic changing environments.